

Tag: privacy

Ad Lagendijk Ad Lagendijk 13 March 2012

Why every scientist should make his Google Scholar profile public

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Posted in High-impact journals, Web 2.0

Surviving in science these days is all about high impact. How is this impact being measured? Managers, deans,  operators, science editors and grant officers, to mention just a few non-active scientists, know the answer exactly. They judge the scientist by the:

  1. number of papers published in refereed journals
  2. number of papers in high-impact journals
  3. number of citations, and more specifically by the h-index

To remind you: if the h-index of a scientist is 20 the scientist has coauthored 20 papers with at least 20 citations.

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Ad Lagendijk Ad Lagendijk 17 October 2008

What is wrong with Google’s superior software for scientists?

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Posted in Efficient email, Tips, useful software, Web 2.0

Scientists’s desk
What general office software is useful for scientists? I come to the following enumeration: an email client, a calendar manager, a browser, a document formatter (for non-scientific papers), a spreadsheet and presentation software. Microsoft sells software providing all these functionalities, and indeed many scientists use the Microsoft products Outlook, Internet Explorer, MS-Word, MS-Excel and MS-PowerPoint. However, with free – technically speaking – superior products Google is now challenging the leading position of Microsoft in this traditionally Microsoft territory

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